Monthly Archives: July 2021

Sun, chess, garden witchcraft

The vet came to examine Charlie again. He said the dog needed a flexible bed[...]

Birds, beads and scarecrows

The weather is great, sunny but still cool and breezy. I brought my stash of[...]

Be sure to wear some flowers in your… beard

There was a big thunderstorm with torrential rain yesterday. Our neighbour’s dog Topo was alone[...]

Colorful missions

I woke up too early on Sunday morning, so I did not get enough sleep.[...]

Arabian Nights

Last weekend we were finally ready for our Sheherezade photoshoot, an idea that I have[...]

A feather falling slowly from the sky

I read this article about Nico, the iconic German singer/songwriter/model/actress/ and “reluctant muse”… I was[...]

The linden feast

There is a big linden tree in the center of our yard – a source[...]

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